Zach Bass: Friday night sunset
Zach Bass: those are cars. lots of cars.
Zach Bass: Welcome! Death Riders
Zach Bass: riding out - crazy UFO clouds were everywhere
Zach Bass: more amazing clouds
Zach Bass: [bike]
Zach Bass: that little dot in the middle is the moon
Zach Bass: sunrise over Monitor Pass. 6:45am.
Zach Bass: sunrise over Monitor Pass. 6:45am.
Zach Bass: this girl had to be the youngest rider. 10 or 11, maybe?
Zach Bass: climbing Monitor
Zach Bass: climbing Monitor
Zach Bass: insane clouds
Zach Bass: insane clouds on Monitor
Zach Bass: mo' clouds
Zach Bass: rest stop in the valley at Monitor Pass
Zach Bass: a Boy Scout troop from Nevada was manning this rest stop
Zach Bass: back side of Monitor
Zach Bass: back side of Monitor
Zach Bass: rest stop at bottom of back side of Monitor Pass - almost in Nevada
Zach Bass: Beer! A cycling club from Sacramento, CA.
Zach Bass: IMG_4701
Zach Bass: climbing back up Monitor.
Zach Bass: that's what we call "rugged beauty"
Zach Bass: all the road signs had bullet holes in them.
Zach Bass: More crazy UFO clouds over canyon on back side of Monitor Pass. Or maybe they're following us. I sense a conspiracy theory coming on.
Zach Bass: steep as *$#@!
Zach Bass: views a thousand years wide
Zach Bass: we were on that tiny road at the bottom about 5 miles ago
Zach Bass: high valley