Marina Cerra:
30 Days of Lists // September 2013
Marina Cerra:
1. What's new so far this year
Marina Cerra:
2. Projects I'm currently working on
Marina Cerra:
3. Things younger me would like about current me
Marina Cerra:
4. Favorite time wasters
Marina Cerra:
5. Things I tend to worry about
Marina Cerra:
6. Rules to break
Marina Cerra:
7. Today I saw
Marina Cerra:
8. My childhood chores
Marina Cerra:
9. Weird stuff that makes me cry
Marina Cerra:
10. Meaningful gifts (given and/or received)
Marina Cerra:
11. Things my family taught me
Marina Cerra:
12. Favorite things about this month
Marina Cerra:
13. Bad habits
Marina Cerra:
14. Weekend essentials
Marina Cerra:
15. In my junk drawer
Marina Cerra:
16. Things only _would understand
Marina Cerra:
17. Favorite things about my home
Marina Cerra:
18. I ask for help when...
Marina Cerra:
19. Qualities I admire in others
Marina Cerra:
20. Comforting me this week
Marina Cerra:
21. My food pyramid
Marina Cerra:
22. Recent dreams
Marina Cerra:
23. Things people don't know about me because they don't bother to ask #30lists #30daysoflists
Marina Cerra:
24. How to have a better day #30lists #30daysoflists
Marina Cerra:
25. My family's quirks #30lists #30daysoflists
Marina Cerra:
26. Rules for being my friend #30lists #30daysoflists
Marina Cerra:
27. Favorite classes/courses/workshops #30lists #30daysoflists
Marina Cerra:
28. In my fridge #30lists #30daysoflists
Marina Cerra:
29. Next month's plans #30lists #30daysoflists