yvone042488: morning...
yvone042488: 春天來了!
yvone042488: after the rain...
yvone042488: after the rain...
yvone042488: 美麗的老樹根...
yvone042488: light&clouds
yvone042488: sunrise...
yvone042488: tea plantation
yvone042488: peace...
yvone042488: 願者上鉤...
yvone042488: 釣魚樂~~
yvone042488: Morning...
yvone042488: 日落時分~~
yvone042488: between light and shadow...
yvone042488: Love is......
yvone042488: at the beach...
yvone042488: 竹海⋯⋯
yvone042488: sunset......
yvone042488: 釣魚樂......
yvone042488: sunset......