yvone042488: take a rest...
yvone042488: take a rest...
yvone042488: Love is...
yvone042488: I think...
yvone042488: Wherever you go,no matter the weather,always bring your own sunshine.
yvone042488: Spread your wings and fly!
yvone042488: 落羽松
yvone042488: so cold.
yvone042488: so cold.
yvone042488: 擺pose
yvone042488: 家有帥哥
yvone042488: 與後面的小鴨子合影...
yvone042488: 就愛這酷酷的表情...
yvone042488: Have a nice week ahead!
yvone042488: 裝模作樣一下
yvone042488: 放假也要談公事...
yvone042488: 低頭族...
yvone042488: 落羽松凋謝啦...
yvone042488: 金黃色的樹蛙...
yvone042488: 金黃色的樹蛙...
yvone042488: 小麻豆...
yvone042488: 小麻豆...
yvone042488: 有驚無險...
yvone042488: 看鏡頭...
yvone042488: 就愛這酷酷的樣子~~
yvone042488: staring at...
yvone042488: 鄉間隨拍~~
yvone042488: 鄉間隨拍~~
yvone042488: 嗡嗡嗡與花...