yvone042488: 四川寬窄巷子
yvone042488: 廣州沙面
yvone042488: 廣州餐廳
yvone042488: 廣州太古
yvone042488: 從化溪頭村2
yvone042488: 增江畫廊1
yvone042488: 華南植物園2
yvone042488: 增江濕地公園2
yvone042488: 增江濕地公園3
yvone042488: 蓮塘3
yvone042488: 蓮塘2
yvone042488: 蓮塘1
yvone042488: 麥當勞薯條French fries
yvone042488: 麥當勞 Mcdonald's
yvone042488: 上海鬥牛士牛肉麵
yvone042488: 義大利麵
yvone042488: 昆山陽澄湖
yvone042488: IMG_1257
yvone042488: IMG_1459
yvone042488: IMG_1265
yvone042488: 美美的攝影師
yvone042488: a beautiful smile like a angel
yvone042488: 春天來囉 all the greenery
yvone042488: 童心未泯puerile
yvone042488: 拍完回家啦go home
yvone042488: 該怎麼拍呢?
yvone042488: 拍甚麼呢?
yvone042488: I want to be tree
yvone042488: 我想... I want...
yvone042488: 枯樹有生命嗎? Reflection