Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
Finished product
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
Day 1 of the deck
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
Foundations under way
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
BeAm me up scotty
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
A structure built on love
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
Floor boards are next
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
Now how to build steps...
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
Stained and complete
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
Icky carpets
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
Family room done!
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
Into the dining area we go!
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
Tile is set and ready for grout