Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
Day 3... just a day late
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
I forgot to take my vitamins that morning.
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
pillow time
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
yes I won the contest
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
What's my girl doing?
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
Lime Brunch in SF
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
Welcome to lime
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
Me and Ralphy (rafaela)
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
Angie & Yvonne
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
Showing off
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
At the home of Snoopy himself
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
i didn't touch his pink lipstick
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
My new Cobra... *wink*
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
They say syphilis came from sheep
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
Day 112...10-19-08
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
pre-ass whoopin
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
Prop 8 Protest SJ, Ca 11-15-08
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
I sip my drink ...
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
Picture of my video
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
Birthday Shots
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
V for Virginia
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
This just keeps getting better
Yvonne "Captain Buzz-kill and the let down's":
It's not the camera