Ang1989: RIP Gamine (1997-2012)
Ang1989: Relax
Ang1989: Gamine 1 ere neige
Ang1989: looking and listening
Ang1989: Texture light
Ang1989: Gamine again
Ang1989: Gamine on early morning
Ang1989: Sniff (2)
Ang1989: My dog loves the snow
Ang1989: Bienvenue _Welcome
Ang1989: Ti-mine & Gamine
Ang1989: Look into my eye... Me at work
Ang1989: Gamine with the gray card
Ang1989: Gamine se nettoie les yeux
Ang1989: La vie en noir et blanc/ Life in black and white
Ang1989: La vie en couleur / Life in color
Ang1989: Gros toutou tout doux
Ang1989: Waiting
Ang1989: Relax
Ang1989: Gamine looks at the birdie
Ang1989: Gamine is listening
Ang1989: Gamine is waiting
Ang1989: Histoire sans fin
Ang1989: Gamine loves to walk in the snow, in summer she loves to swim in the water
Ang1989: Step by step/ Pas à pas
Ang1989: Gamine
Ang1989: Gamine is watching the web
Ang1989: Que regarde-t-elle.../ What is she looking for...
Ang1989: Gamine is watching a squirrel
Ang1989: Baignade automnale