yvie.cee: Sneezewort (Achillea ptarmica)
yvie.cee: Betony (Stachys officinalis)
yvie.cee: Birdsfoot Trefoil
yvie.cee: Redshank (Persicaria maculosa)
yvie.cee: Bee around borage
yvie.cee: Heath Spotted Orchid
yvie.cee: Yellow Wood Sorrel
yvie.cee: Lesser Stitchwort
yvie.cee: Heath spotted orchid
yvie.cee: Wild Angelica
yvie.cee: Wildflowers & grasses around our pond
yvie.cee: Cuckooflower, or Lady's Smock
yvie.cee: Together we're better
yvie.cee: Speedwell
yvie.cee: Cardiff Bay daisies
yvie.cee: Wild garlic on the river bank
yvie.cee: It's bluebell time
yvie.cee: A few wildflowers from Cathays Cemetery, Cardiff today.
yvie.cee: Life's stages
yvie.cee: Anemone Blanda
yvie.cee: Scylla and visitor
yvie.cee: Cuckooflower, also called Lady's Smock.
yvie.cee: Forget me not, sweet Daisy
yvie.cee: We're all in this together
yvie.cee: Beauty and the Beast
yvie.cee: Closeup of a Heath Lobelia
yvie.cee: Spring delights
yvie.cee: Dream on
yvie.cee: Marsh Orchid
yvie.cee: Early Purple Orchid