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Goéland à Bec Cerclé / Ring-Billed Gull / larus delawarensis
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Goéland Argenté / Herring Gull / larus argentatus smithsonianus
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Moineau Domestique / House Sparrow / Passer domesticus
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Perruche Ondulée / Wavy Parakeet / pyrrhura peruviana
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Bruant Chanteur / Song Sparrow / melospiza melodia
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Harle Bièvre / Common Merganser / mergus merganser
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Carouge à Épaulettes / Red-Winged Blackbird / agelaius phoeniceus (juvenile)
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Carouge à Épaulettes / Red-Winged Blackbird / agelaius phoeniceus (♀)
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Colibri à Gorge Rubis / Ruby-throated Hummingbird / archilochus colubris
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Pigeon Biset / Rock Pigeon / columba livia
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Merle d'Amérique / American Robin / turdus migratorius (♂)
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Bruant Chanteur / Song Sparrow / melospiza melodia
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Carouge à Épaulettes / Red-Winged Blackbird / agelaius phoeniceus (♂)
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Carouge à Épaulettes / Red-Winged Blackbird / agelaius phoeniceus (♀)
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Canard Branchu / Wood Duck / aix sponsa (♂&♀)
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Canard Branchu / Wood Duck / aix sponsa [explored]
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Canard Pilet / Northern Pintail / anas acuta [explored]
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Fuligule à Tête Rouge / Redhead / aythya americana
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Harle Couronné / Hooded Merganser /Lophodytes cucullatus [explored]
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Urubu à Tête Rouge / Turkey Vulture / cathartes aura
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Bihoreau Gris / Black-Crowned Night-Heron / nycticorax nycticorax (juvenile) [explored]
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Grand Corbeau / Common Raven / corvus corax
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Dindon Sauvage / Wild Turkey / meleadris gallopavo [explored]
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Pygargue à Tête Blanche / Bald Eagle / haliaeetus leucocephalus
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Buse Pattue / Rough-legged Hawk / buteo lagopus [explored]
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Chouette Rayée / Barred Owl / strix varia
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Aigle Royal / Golden Eagle / aquila chrysaetos
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Bihoreau Gris / Black-Crowned Night-Heron / nycticorax nycticorax (juvenile)
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Canard Mallard / Mallard Duck / anas platyrhynchos (♀)
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Canard Mallard / Mallard Duck / anas platyrhynchos (♂)