yusheng: Lobby @ Andaz Tokyo
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yusheng: Amuse-bouche @ L'Effervescence
yusheng: "Apple Pie" @ L'Effervescence
yusheng: "Apple Pie" @ L'Effervescence
yusheng: "Apple Pie" @ L'Effervescence
yusheng: "Apple Pie" @ L'Effervescence
yusheng: Butter @ L'Effervescence
yusheng: Lady on the Beach @ L'Effervescence
yusheng: A Fixed Point @ L'Effervescence
yusheng: 9:59 pm, July 3, L'Effervescence
yusheng: Through the Forest ~ 2014 @ L'Effervescence
yusheng: Imaginary Picnic ~ Under the Loquat Tree @ L'Effervescence