Yuripere: Yakitori bar
Yuripere: Alley at Tennoji
Yuripere: Alley at Tennoji
Yuripere: Alley at Tennoji
Yuripere: Une tokyoite
Yuripere: Ombre - Explored
Yuripere: The subway and a passenger
Yuripere: Un jour de pluie
Yuripere: Morning at Akihabara
Yuripere: La nuit
Yuripere: La tour
Yuripere: Azumabashi
Yuripere: Les panneaux
Yuripere: La petite rue d'Asakusa
Yuripere: Alley at Asakusa
Yuripere: Alley at Ueno
Yuripere: Stairs
Yuripere: Lyceenne
Yuripere: Cafe
Yuripere: Les gens
Yuripere: Lumiere
Yuripere: Vending machines
Yuripere: Concourse
Yuripere: Passage clouté
Yuripere: Alley at Ueno
Yuripere: Fille dans un cafe (Flickr collection by Getty images)
Yuripere: Dogs in the rain (Explore on 17th Jun 2012)
Yuripere: Cage
Yuripere: Cage
Yuripere: In the subway train