Yunhyok Choi: Ethiopia Yirgacheffe!!
Yunhyok Choi: Birthday Cake
Yunhyok Choi: Colors
Yunhyok Choi: broiled small intestine of cattle
Yunhyok Choi: broiled small intestine of cattle
Yunhyok Choi: broiled small intestine of cattle
Yunhyok Choi: late spring snow
Yunhyok Choi: sudden late spring snow
Yunhyok Choi: sudden late spring snow
Yunhyok Choi: A Japanese apricot tree
Yunhyok Choi: A dog living in 'Samaksa' temple
Yunhyok Choi: A dog living in 'Samaksa' temple
Yunhyok Choi: Big Big cherry blossom tree
Yunhyok Choi: Harley Davidson show case in the SNU 2010 spring festival
Yunhyok Choi: Flash mob event in the Seoul national university 2010 spring festival
Yunhyok Choi: Naksungdae Park
Yunhyok Choi: Seoul national university, South Korea
Yunhyok Choi: the view from the central library
Yunhyok Choi: Seoul railway station
Yunhyok Choi: Seoul national university, South Korea
Yunhyok Choi: the view from the central library
Yunhyok Choi: Seoul national university, South Korea
Yunhyok Choi: the corridor of the central library of Seoul National University
Yunhyok Choi: Seoul national university, South Korea
Yunhyok Choi: the lounge "DORAJI"
Yunhyok Choi: Seoul national university, South Korea
Yunhyok Choi: the view from the central library
Yunhyok Choi: Seoul national university, South Korea
Yunhyok Choi: Seoul national university, South Korea