Yum Scrubble: Half a ton of booze bound for Sante Fe
Yum Scrubble: patrick
Yum Scrubble: Deep Blue
Yum Scrubble: Juniper
Yum Scrubble: DOE rusts away
Yum Scrubble: Charger looking mean
Yum Scrubble: saturation crack
Yum Scrubble: Mark and Moon
Yum Scrubble: Tree in tent rock
Yum Scrubble: tent rock
Yum Scrubble: lonely tree
Yum Scrubble: patrick and nicole
Yum Scrubble: Tent rocks, NM
Yum Scrubble: DSCF6206.JPG
Yum Scrubble: blankets for the injuns
Yum Scrubble: please close door
Yum Scrubble: dropping out in Santa Fe
Yum Scrubble: 1953GMC truck - up close
Yum Scrubble: Canyon Rd., Santa Fe
Yum Scrubble: Melting pot
Yum Scrubble: Dying pueblo
Yum Scrubble: DSCF6260.JPG
Yum Scrubble: DSCF6264.JPG
Yum Scrubble: DSCF6113
Yum Scrubble: DSCF6076
Yum Scrubble: La Belgique au Colorado
Yum Scrubble: DSCF6274.JPG
Yum Scrubble: DSCF6279.JPG
Yum Scrubble: DSCF6286.JPG