tribecayummymummy: she loves her new "school dress"
tribecayummymummy: little rascal in her jump rope dress
tribecayummymummy: fabric choices
tribecayummymummy: everything cut and ready to sew
tribecayummymummy: pocket detail, View B
tribecayummymummy: the jump rope dress hits the city
tribecayummymummy: detail of the placket and collar on the jump rope dress, View B
tribecayummymummy: pocket detail of oliver + s jumprope dress, View B
tribecayummymummy: sideways jump rope dress
tribecayummymummy: oliver + s jump rope dress
tribecayummymummy: sleeve detail
tribecayummymummy: placket detail
tribecayummymummy: oliver + s jump rope dress made up in city weekend fabric
tribecayummymummy: hem detail
tribecayummymummy: jump rope dress in oliver + s city weekend fabric (view A)