*. Y.u.m.!*: Spring should be colourful =]
*. Y.u.m.!*: Spring Spring Spring
*. Y.u.m.!*: I'm special!!
*. Y.u.m.!*: relaxing sunday~~
*. Y.u.m.!*: Sping is here!!!
*. Y.u.m.!*: CN tower night view
*. Y.u.m.!*: i'm alone
*. Y.u.m.!*: Skateboard
*. Y.u.m.!*: ~meow~
*. Y.u.m.!*: HongKong factory's wall
*. Y.u.m.!*: playground*
*. Y.u.m.!*: my 1st fisheye~~
*. Y.u.m.!*: my 1st roll of fish eye``
*. Y.u.m.!*: 3rd roll holga~
*. Y.u.m.!*: 3rd roll holga~
*. Y.u.m.!*: my 2nd roll Holga,,,
*. Y.u.m.!*: my 1st ring flash photo =)
*. Y.u.m.!*: come on..stop raining plz
*. Y.u.m.!*: want some??
*. Y.u.m.!*: so loney,,,,,,,,,
*. Y.u.m.!*: Once Evening @ Hongkong
*. Y.u.m.!*: @ tunneL
*. Y.u.m.!*: my 1st Pan shot
*. Y.u.m.!*: So far yet so close.
*. Y.u.m.!*: Nothin can last forever..
*. Y.u.m.!*: Toronto Sunset*
*. Y.u.m.!*: Sunset @ centre island
*. Y.u.m.!*: flower*
*. Y.u.m.!*: Ferris Wheel
*. Y.u.m.!*: Ferris Wheel