Y*Y Photography: Rosebuds
Y*Y Photography: Beautiful
Y*Y Photography: Deer calf
Y*Y Photography: Cavendish's Dik Dik
Y*Y Photography: Snake's head fritillary/ Fritillaria meleagris/
Y*Y Photography: What are you staring at ?
Y*Y Photography: Miniature mediterranean donkey
Y*Y Photography: Society Garlic Tulbaghia violacea
Y*Y Photography: Grizzly Bear
Y*Y Photography: The earth has music for those who listen
Y*Y Photography: Coot,coot, so cute !
Y*Y Photography: Thomson’s Gazelle
Y*Y Photography: Juvenile raven with characteristic blue eyes
Y*Y Photography: Marina Reflections 🐳
Y*Y Photography: Ready to stab
Y*Y Photography: Grouse Mountain Ski Resort
Y*Y Photography: Boating in Vancouver,BC
Y*Y Photography: Bleeding Hearts / Dicentra spectablis /
Y*Y Photography: Hi there!
Y*Y Photography: Make way for ducklings !
Y*Y Photography: Dusty lilac
Y*Y Photography: Nictitating membrane
Y*Y Photography: And suddenly you were my everything
Y*Y Photography: Mallard Duck
Y*Y Photography: You say ugly, I say unique
Y*Y Photography: You are invited
Y*Y Photography: Caribbean flamingo
Y*Y Photography: Standing on his hind legs
Y*Y Photography: Shoebill / whalehead/ Shoe-billed stork
Y*Y Photography: Flamingo Loop