yucaree: my new obsession: Chobani yogurt
yucaree: woke up late this morning
yucaree: IMG_5281
yucaree: my bedside table
yucaree: lunch and some TV
yucaree: buying postcard stamps
yucaree: trying on clothes at Lord & Taylor
yucaree: making dinner
yucaree: research articles for a paper I wrote in college -- dot matrix print-outs!
yucaree: Happy 14th wedding anniversary!
yucaree: Italian-style smashed green beans + potatoes and garlicky creamy-cheesy Angel Hair pasta
yucaree: Honey Pecan bar from Baked and Wired
yucaree: Maya's lunch
yucaree: working on replying to emails
yucaree: getting some work done in my "office"
yucaree: I can always find something to buy at Michaels (much to J's chagrin).
yucaree: Finally -- the Chicken Burritos are back at TJ's!
yucaree: salad for the Chicken Milanese
yucaree: Daddy's home!
yucaree: my view from the kitchen window
yucaree: only homework = reading
yucaree: probably watching YouTube videos ...
yucaree: playing piano for Daddy ... without her PJ top on (it was hot)
yucaree: early morning lunch assembly
yucaree: Ian's lunch
yucaree: late breakfast + local free newspaper
yucaree: Maya's school bus
yucaree: driving
yucaree: IKEA
yucaree: How is California corn local??