yucaree: Ian + Artie along the Seine near the Louvre where we ate our morning pastries
yucaree: Ponts towards Notre Dame
yucaree: PICT0114
yucaree: stinky street art
yucaree: Artie + Medaillon d'Arago @ Quai Malaquais
yucaree: PICT0117
yucaree: St-Michel Metro station
yucaree: Shakespeare and Company
yucaree: some books @ Shakespeare & Co.
yucaree: Charlemagne
yucaree: Notre Dame Cathedral
yucaree: Notre Dame Cathedral
yucaree: detail from the front of Notre Dame
yucaree: Notre Dame front door
yucaree: through a window @ Notre Dame
yucaree: Joan of Arc
yucaree: Notre Dame stained glass
yucaree: Notre Dame stained glass
yucaree: Notre Dame artwork
yucaree: Notre Dame chandelier
yucaree: Notre Dame artwork
yucaree: Notre Dame stained glass
yucaree: inside Notre Dame
yucaree: inside Notre Dame
yucaree: Notre Dame stained glass
yucaree: Ian + Artie in front of Notre Dame Cathedral
yucaree: the front of Notre Dame
yucaree: Notre Dame
yucaree: Ian + Artie @ Berthillon on Ile St-Louis
yucaree: Ian + Artie in front of Berthillon