yucaree: Artie's breakfast :: vanilla yogurt drink
yucaree: my breakfast :: croissant d'amande from Eric Kayser
yucaree: Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
yucaree: Ian + Artie in front of the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
yucaree: the Louvre
yucaree: Glass pyramid @ the Louvre
yucaree: the glass pyramid @ the Louvre
yucaree: looking up through the glass pyramid
yucaree: the Winged Victory of Samothrace
yucaree: the Winged Victory of Samothrace
yucaree: Portrait de femme, dit La Belle Ferronnière by Leonardo da Vinci
yucaree: La Joconde (the Mona Lisa)
yucaree: La Joconde (the Mona Lisa)
yucaree: Ian + Artie in front of La Joconde (the Mona Lisa)
yucaree: the crowd around the Mona Lisa
yucaree: Louvre
yucaree: Louvre ceiling
yucaree: Louvre
yucaree: fish
yucaree: Hammurabi's Code
yucaree: Ian + Artie in front of Hammurabi's Code
yucaree: Hammurabi's Code
yucaree: Lion's Head
yucaree: Louvre
yucaree: Artie + bronze sculpture
yucaree: sculpture
yucaree: Chandelier @ Napoleon III's apartments
yucaree: grand dining room in Napoleon III's apartments
yucaree: back stairs in Napoleon III's apartments
yucaree: Napoleon's Throne