yucaree: PICT0079
yucaree: practicing her driving
yucaree: checking the side mirror?
yucaree: PICT0076
yucaree: L @ the playground
yucaree: L @ the playground
yucaree: L + her friend R
yucaree: L + her friend R
yucaree: twin E
yucaree: twin M
yucaree: L with her cousin C
yucaree: twin E
yucaree: twin E
yucaree: twin M
yucaree: the twins
yucaree: mama + her twins
yucaree: L checking on lil sister E
yucaree: twin M
yucaree: L showing off lil sister M to her cousin
yucaree: L happy to see her sisters
yucaree: twin E
yucaree: disgruntled much?
yucaree: the birthday girl
yucaree: i guess maya's a scary driver ...