Yso_lab: Dame Nature - Mother Nature
Yso_lab: Songe d'une nuit d'été - A Midsummer Nights Dream’
Yso_lab: Sybille
Yso_lab: Jour de Saint-Valentin - Valentine's Day
Yso_lab: Lolita
Yso_lab: Voeu d'amour - Wish you love
Yso_lab: Sois mon coeur - Be my Heart
Yso_lab: Pin-up Style
Yso_lab: Miroir Miroir- Mirror Mirror
Yso_lab: Millenium - The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo
Yso_lab: Qui est la plus belle? Who's the Fairest?
Yso_lab: Profil de nuit - Night Profile
Yso_lab: Ombre chinoise - Shadow Plays
Yso_lab: Bushido
Yso_lab: Black Sakura (merci à Watercress)
Yso_lab: Sacrifice
Yso_lab: Shinto Kami
Yso_lab: Dancer dans l'air - Dancing in the Air
Yso_lab: Terry ma princesse de l'air - Terry, my air princess
Yso_lab: Scuplter l'air - Air Sculpting
Yso_lab: Flou air et non Through air (impossible to translate: pun for bilingual speakers)
Yso_lab: Poupées 2012
Yso_lab: Petits pieds de princesse - Little Princess' Feet
Yso_lab: L'escarpin de Cendrillon - Cinderella's Shoe
Yso_lab: La paire de convoitise - Vanity's Pair
Yso_lab: My Blue Suede Shoes (Elvis' song)
Yso_lab: Attraper le soleil - Catch the sun
Yso_lab: Dans la nature - In the Nature
Yso_lab: Guerrière chic - Warrior glam
Yso_lab: Valkyrie