ysaleth: bearcat
ysaleth: munching mundooie
ysaleth: growing up
ysaleth: mmm, leaves
ysaleth: ... hey, I am sitting here, you know
ysaleth: numnumnum
ysaleth: tekin
ysaleth: HEY!
ysaleth: trying another route
ysaleth: oh, that is IT
ysaleth: you stop that right now
ysaleth: eating in peace
ysaleth: sloth bear
ysaleth: bornean sun bear
ysaleth: yun zi, out on a limb
ysaleth: bai yun
ysaleth: hi there, yun zi!
ysaleth: I see you
ysaleth: almost there!
ysaleth: getting down
ysaleth: this is a very well-named bird
ysaleth: screamer is a very appropriate name
ysaleth: breakfast time!
ysaleth: baby bontebok growing a little older
ysaleth: there's nothing quite like carrot foam
ysaleth: baby takin
ysaleth: happy tapir
ysaleth: the animal I always forget the name of, always
ysaleth: is the pole tasty?
ysaleth: clouded leopards