ysaleth: dislocated beak?
ysaleth: walking on the beach
ysaleth: the beach is for photography!
ysaleth: shell
ysaleth: driftwood
ysaleth: driftwood and waves
ysaleth: chincoteague ponies, 1st foal
ysaleth: scamper scamper
ysaleth: chincoteague ponies, 2nd foal
ysaleth: chincoteague ponies
ysaleth: little toad!
ysaleth: mel at the lighthouse
ysaleth: assateague light
ysaleth: red-bellied turtle
ysaleth: red-bellied turtle
ysaleth: the tires mark the spot
ysaleth: sand layers
ysaleth: my mom on the beach
ysaleth: driftwood
ysaleth: more driftwood
ysaleth: marshes and reeds
ysaleth: off with their heads!
ysaleth: sunset in the marsh
ysaleth: along the dunes
ysaleth: dune grasses
ysaleth: pinecone!
ysaleth: spring flowers in the dune trees
ysaleth: more dune grasses
ysaleth: dune flowers
ysaleth: hanging over the boardwalk 1