Yrigoyen): the young man & the sea
Yrigoyen): now with this leg solidly planted here i should be able to..
Yrigoyen): moments before impact
Yrigoyen): gary larson
Yrigoyen): høyspentledning
Yrigoyen): get yer tents out
Yrigoyen): supper time
Yrigoyen): eskimonica on the move
Yrigoyen): ballground of the mind
Yrigoyen): at the brink of exhaustion
Yrigoyen): so you want a piece of me?
Yrigoyen): now what?
Yrigoyen): can you shee the beasts?
Yrigoyen): yo god! this is mother goose, & i've had it with ya!
Yrigoyen): zen duckling
Yrigoyen): truly cultivating the summer feel
Yrigoyen): sploooosh
Yrigoyen): it came from the sea
Yrigoyen): picking mussels
Yrigoyen): preparing mussels
Yrigoyen): the sky turned black, but there was no way back
Yrigoyen): spending entire days reading papers
Yrigoyen): three times the lady
Yrigoyen): pier 159
Yrigoyen): hold on buddy
Yrigoyen): departure point
Yrigoyen): hidden conversation
Yrigoyen): one-eyed jacqueline
Yrigoyen): imaginary worlds
Yrigoyen): Tempo (Can You Kick It?)