Yrigoyen): a study of the female species, part one.
Yrigoyen): a study of the female species, part two
Yrigoyen): inner female
Yrigoyen): coffee is served
Yrigoyen): slim slow slider
Yrigoyen): exploding communication
Yrigoyen): Hawking-radiation
Yrigoyen): concentration
Yrigoyen): potent stuff
Yrigoyen): a champagne called Wanda
Yrigoyen): who's your daddy?
Yrigoyen): sunny vertebrae
Yrigoyen): hung up
Yrigoyen): hidden conversation
Yrigoyen): emerging toujours
Yrigoyen): severed
Yrigoyen): at face value
Yrigoyen): hold on buddy
Yrigoyen): spending entire days reading papers
Yrigoyen): at the brink of exhaustion
Yrigoyen): so you want a piece of me?
Yrigoyen): now what?
Yrigoyen): can you shee the beasts?
Yrigoyen): what too much van halen eventually will do for you
Yrigoyen): get to the prism of things
Yrigoyen): if one had only stopped for directions
Yrigoyen): the sky turned black, but there was no way back
Yrigoyen): picking mussels
Yrigoyen): høyspentledning
Yrigoyen): moments before impact