Yarra Plenty Regional Library Local History:
LE CAIRE - Pyramides et Village de Ghizeh [Cairo - Pyramids and the Village of Giza]
Yarra Plenty Regional Library Local History:
LE CAIRE - Pyramide de Ghizeh [Cairo - Giza Pyramid]
Yarra Plenty Regional Library Local History:
LE CAIRE - Village des Pyramides [Cairo - Village nearby the Pyramids]
Yarra Plenty Regional Library Local History:
LE CAIRE - Pyramide de Chefren [Cairo - Pyramid of Khafre or of Chephren]
Yarra Plenty Regional Library Local History:
LE CAIRE - Village Arabe aupres des Pyramides [Cairo - Arab village nearby the Pyramids]
Yarra Plenty Regional Library Local History:
LE CAIRE - Bufles dans le Nile [Cairo - Buffalo in the Nile]
Yarra Plenty Regional Library Local History:
LE CAIRE - Pyramide [Cairo - Pyramid]
Yarra Plenty Regional Library Local History:
LE CAIRE - Le Sphinx [Cairo - The Sphinx]
Yarra Plenty Regional Library Local History:
LE CAIRE - Le Sphinx [Cairo - The Sphinx] (obverse)
Yarra Plenty Regional Library Local History:
LE CAIRE - La Citadelle [Cairo - The Citadel]
Yarra Plenty Regional Library Local History:
LE CAIRE - Vue generale des Tombeaux des Mamelouks [Cairo - General view of the Tombs of the Mamelukes]
Yarra Plenty Regional Library Local History:
LE CAIRE - Le Barrage [Cairo - The Dam]
Yarra Plenty Regional Library Local History:
LE CAIRE - La Citadelle [Cairo - The Citadel]
Yarra Plenty Regional Library Local History:
LE CAIRE - Une Mosquée [Cairo - A Mosque]
Yarra Plenty Regional Library Local History:
LE CAIRE - Tombeaux des Khalifs [Cairo - Tombs of the Caliphs]
Yarra Plenty Regional Library Local History:
LE CAIRE - La Mosquée du Sultan Hassan [Cairo - The Mosque of Sultan Hassan]
Yarra Plenty Regional Library Local History:
LE CAIRE - Tombeaux de Mameloukes [Cairo - Tombs of the Mamluks]
Yarra Plenty Regional Library Local History:
LE CAIRE - Fontain Publique [Cairo - Public Fountain (Sabil Umm Abbas)]
Yarra Plenty Regional Library Local History:
LE CAIRE - Place Seliman Pascha [Cairo - Suleiman Pasha Place]
Yarra Plenty Regional Library Local History:
LE CAIRE - Bord du Nil [Cairo - The Bank of the Nile]
Yarra Plenty Regional Library Local History:
LE CAIRE - Pont de Kasr-el-Nil [Cairo - Qasr al-Nil Bridge]
Yarra Plenty Regional Library Local History:
LE CAIRE - Claire de Lune sur le Nil [Cairo - Moonlight on the Nile]
Yarra Plenty Regional Library Local History:
LE CAIRE - Voilliers sur le Nil [Cairo - Sailboats on the Nile]
Yarra Plenty Regional Library Local History:
LE CAIRE - Groupe de Palmiers au long du Nil [Cairo - Group of Palms along the Nile]
Yarra Plenty Regional Library Local History:
LE CAIRE - Ghizeh [Cairo - Giza]