YO! What Happened To Peace?: LA vs. WAR poster
YO! What Happened To Peace?: Installing the mural
YO! What Happened To Peace?: LA vs. WAR mural
YO! What Happened To Peace?: LA vs. WAR in LA arts district
YO! What Happened To Peace?: LA vs. WAR poster
YO! What Happened To Peace?: Installing the LA vs. WAR mural
YO! What Happened To Peace?: LA vs. WAR mural complete
YO! What Happened To Peace?: Mear One's Gandhi in progress
YO! What Happened To Peace?: Mear One's Gandhi in progress
YO! What Happened To Peace?: Mear One's Gandhi in progress
YO! What Happened To Peace?: Mear One finished Gandhi mural
YO! What Happened To Peace?: LA vs. WAR 3rd St. Mural