elaiphoto: Wood Duck
elaiphoto: Northern Shoveler
elaiphoto: The Great Northern Loon
elaiphoto: Northern Pintails in flight
elaiphoto: Common Loons
elaiphoto: Common Loons
elaiphoto: Common Loon
elaiphoto: American Avocet
elaiphoto: Red-necked Grebes
elaiphoto: Red-necked Grebe and chicks
elaiphoto: Red-necked Grebes
elaiphoto: Belted Kingfisher
elaiphoto: Bufflehead Duck (female)
elaiphoto: Bufflehead Duck (male)
elaiphoto: Greater Scaup
elaiphoto: Greater Scaup (female)
elaiphoto: Common Goldeneye? (hen)
elaiphoto: Green Wing Teal
elaiphoto: Wood Ducks (pair)
elaiphoto: Common Loon in breeding plumage
elaiphoto: Horned Grebe in breeding plumage
elaiphoto: Loons pre-mating gathering
elaiphoto: American Coots
elaiphoto: Common Loon
elaiphoto: Redheads Ducklings
elaiphoto: Green-winged Teal
elaiphoto: A female wood duck gets its bill full of snow
elaiphoto: Lesser scaups
elaiphoto: Bufflehead Ducks
elaiphoto: Barrow's Goldeneye