Ursula Maxwell Travels: Jan gets ready to meet Mrs Perley and Mrs Lint at King's Landing HIstorical Settlement, NB Photo Ursula Maxwell-Lewis
Ursula Maxwell Travels: Charming hosts at Goverment House, Fredericton, New Brunswick
Ursula Maxwell Travels: Jan Napier and Sherri Telenko recommend visiting the dessert tables. Photo Ursula Maxwell-Lewis
Ursula Maxwell Travels: Lt. Governor of New Brunswick
Ursula Maxwell Travels: Sandra Phillips with Mrs. Nicholas and Lt. Governor Graydon Nicholas. Photo Ursula Maxwell-Lewis
Ursula Maxwell Travels: Sandra Phillips with Lt. Governor of New Brunswick, the Hon. Graydon Nicholas and Mrs Elizabeth Nicholas. Photo Ursula Maxwell-Lewis
Ursula Maxwell Travels: "Guardsman" Gary Cralle. Photo Ursula Maxwell-Lewis
Ursula Maxwell Travels: A shootout with a redcoat... Gary Cralle. Photo Ursula Malxlwell-Lewis
Ursula Maxwell Travels: BC Chapter President Jane Mundy and Patrick Brennan. Photo Ursula Maxwell-Lewis
Ursula Maxwell Travels: Ursula Beamish-Mader, Jane Mundy, Pat Brennan Photo Ursula Maxwell-Lewis
Ursula Maxwell Travels: Magalie and Liz. Photo Ursula Maxwell-Lewis
Ursula Maxwell Travels: Darcy Rhyno's 19th century glasses. "Can't see a thing!" Photo Ursula Maxwell-Lewis
Ursula Maxwell Travels: Hans Tammemagi contemplates. New Brunswick . Photo Ursula Maxwell-Lewis
Ursula Maxwell Travels: Ann & Jan - pioneer tea Photo Ursula Maxwell-Lewis