Youth Radio: IMG_0051
Youth Radio: Sad Cop 2012. Photo: Malachi Segers/Youth Radio
Youth Radio: Samantha Bee, The Daily Show
Youth Radio: Youth Radio DNC Team 16
Youth Radio: First Lady Michelle Obama caps a night largely about courting women's votes. Photo: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Youth Radio: IMG_0367
Youth Radio: Pacture7
Youth Radio: IMG_0648
Youth Radio: First time reporter, first time voter
Youth Radio: IMG_0712
Youth Radio: IMG_0690
Youth Radio: Weather, including highs in the 90's, in Charlotte proved a challenge all week. Photo: Malachi Segers/Youth Radio
Youth Radio: IMG_0371
Youth Radio: IMG_0395
Youth Radio: Stuck In Traffic At DNC
Youth Radio: IMG_0031
Youth Radio: Youth Radio DNC Team 6
Youth Radio: IMG_0454
Youth Radio: IMG_0353
Youth Radio: Youth Radio DNC Team 9
Youth Radio: Skycam. Photo: Malachi Segers/Youth Radio
Youth Radio: Youth Radio DNC Team 3
Youth Radio: IMG_0709
Youth Radio: IMG_0349
Youth Radio: IMG_0710
Youth Radio: IMG_0699
Youth Radio: Hold on While I Tweet This. Photo: Malachi Segers/Youth Radio
Youth Radio: IMG_0046
Youth Radio: Campaign signs blanketed the arena, even in the upper decks. Photo: Malachi Segers/Youth Radio
Youth Radio: Pacture3