Youth Radio: Grandfather and granddaughter catch a ride to the Time Warner Cable Arena in Charlotte, NC. Photo: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Youth Radio: Heavy rains dampened the DNC Tuesday. Photo: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Youth Radio: Rains made getting to the convention hall a challenge for convention goers. Photo: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Youth Radio: West Virginia delegate making his way to the convention hall. Photo: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Youth Radio: Inside the arena in Charlotte on the first official night of the DNC. Photo: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Youth Radio: Youth Radio's Bianca Brooks in the press gallery at the DNC. Photo: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Youth Radio: Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius speaking about women's rights. Photo: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Youth Radio: Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel trumpeting the president's accomplishments. Photo: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Youth Radio: Journalist checking the baseball scores during DNC in Charlotte. Photo: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Youth Radio: Women's rights activist Lilly Ledbedder exists the stage. Photo: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Youth Radio: Usher guards private room at the DNC. Photo: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Youth Radio: Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley closes his speech at the DNC. Photo: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Youth Radio: Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick tears into Mitt Romney's record as the governor of that state. Photo: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Youth Radio: Julian Castro the 37 year-old mayor of San Antonio, Texas delivers keynote address at DNC. Photo: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Youth Radio: First Lady Michelle Obama caps a night largely about courting women's votes. Photo: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Youth Radio: First Lady Michelle Obama talked about her role as Mother-in-chief. Photo: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Youth Radio: From a woman's right to choose to women's equality, the night was largely about attracting women to the Obama-Biden ticket. Photo: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Youth Radio: The first lady smiles during an extended applause break. Photo: Brett Myers/Youth Radio
Youth Radio: Waving goodnight to the crowd, Michelle Obama brings the evening's events to a close. Photo: Brett Myers/Youth Radio