YouthBeat at KDOL-TV: A interview 3
YouthBeat at KDOL-TV: A interview 4
YouthBeat at KDOL-TV: A interview 5
YouthBeat at KDOL-TV: A interview camera 2
YouthBeat at KDOL-TV: A interview camera
YouthBeat at KDOL-TV: A interview wide 1
YouthBeat at KDOL-TV: A interview wide 2
YouthBeat at KDOL-TV: A interview wide 3
YouthBeat at KDOL-TV: A ja'lenn and jordan
YouthBeat at KDOL-TV: A jake and jordan 2
YouthBeat at KDOL-TV: A jake and jordan
YouthBeat at KDOL-TV: a jordan and jake
YouthBeat at KDOL-TV: B jordan-think face
YouthBeat at KDOL-TV: B mango drink
YouthBeat at KDOL-TV: B narce explaining popcorn chicken