yousif omer: Picture 022
yousif omer: Picture 218
yousif omer: when earth and sky come togather ...captuerd before two years by my cell phone
yousif omer: 285142_1988318381063_1036420240_31706586_5229023_n
yousif omer: 227143_1785467149909_1036420240_31509751_7024958_n
yousif omer: 283141_1976576527524_1036420240_31692034_6457242_n
yousif omer: 270476_1976577247542_1036420240_31692035_7163142_n
yousif omer: 281283_1988369302336_1036420240_31706632_209949_n
yousif omer: 268977_1987678445065_1036420240_31705924_4398123_n
yousif omer: 297215_137122316379195_132163940208366_220059_2998386_n
yousif omer: She was missing her and screaming ''I want Mommy" ....
yousif omer: Alniilin Mosque,Omdurman
yousif omer: Original HDR
yousif omer: IMG_4265
yousif omer: IMG_4250