yourRAISA: DSC03065
yourRAISA: DSC03073
yourRAISA: DSC03076
yourRAISA: DSC03077
yourRAISA: DSC03078
yourRAISA: DSC03079
yourRAISA: Raisa And Bandmates
yourRAISA: DSC03085
yourRAISA: DSC03086
yourRAISA: DSC03087
yourRAISA: DSC03088
yourRAISA: DSC03089
yourRAISA: DSC03092
yourRAISA: DSC03093
yourRAISA: DSC03094
yourRAISA: DSC03095
yourRAISA: DSC03096
yourRAISA: DSC03097
yourRAISA: DSC03098
yourRAISA: Lirikan Maut
yourRAISA: DSC03102
yourRAISA: DSC03103
yourRAISA: DSC03105
yourRAISA: DSC03106
yourRAISA: Ka Arief
yourRAISA: DSC03108
yourRAISA: Ka Feby lagi tanda tangan banner official YR nih
yourRAISA: Mas Boim lagi tanda tangan banner official YR nih
yourRAISA: Feby, Arief dan Marco
yourRAISA: YR with the banner! haha