yourFAVORITEmartian: Dr. Grymm and the Amelia Earhart Navigational System
yourFAVORITEmartian: K-1889 – Steampunk Dog from Dr. Who
yourFAVORITEmartian: The Blueprint Machine
yourFAVORITEmartian: Death Ray Goggles, Mechanical Steampunk Arms, Darwin Chamber Breathing Apparatus
yourFAVORITEmartian: The Regulator
yourFAVORITEmartian: The Magnifier
yourFAVORITEmartian: Emperor of the Red Fork Empire
yourFAVORITEmartian: Operating the Electro-plane
yourFAVORITEmartian: The Blueprint Machine
yourFAVORITEmartian: John Henry Device
yourFAVORITEmartian: And without the goggles
yourFAVORITEmartian: Goggles and ray gun
yourFAVORITEmartian: Dr. Grymm addresses the assembled
yourFAVORITEmartian: Amelia Earhart Navigational System
yourFAVORITEmartian: Robo-Grymm Jr. or A.R.V.I.N. (Advanced Robotic Visual Illumination Nerd)
yourFAVORITEmartian: Robo-Grymm Jr. or A.R.V.I.N. (Advanced Robotic Visual Illumination Nerd)
yourFAVORITEmartian: Clockwork Bra and Corset, and Brass Goggles
yourFAVORITEmartian: Death Ray Goggles, Mechanical Steampunk Arms, Darwin Chamber Breathing Apparatus
yourFAVORITEmartian: Clockwork Bra and Corset, Convoyance Aenethoptic Device (wings) and Brass Goggles