yourFAVORITEmartian: Rogue graffiti showing hate for BP
yourFAVORITEmartian: Mime lady blowing bubbles
yourFAVORITEmartian: Just put your lips together and blow
yourFAVORITEmartian: Bearded lady and circus girl
yourFAVORITEmartian: Julie gets her hoop on
yourFAVORITEmartian: Circles of light
yourFAVORITEmartian: Shake shake shake
yourFAVORITEmartian: Hula hoop and pose
yourFAVORITEmartian: Rosemary meets Eye-Guy
yourFAVORITEmartian: She can't be tamed
yourFAVORITEmartian: Jumping through hoops for you
yourFAVORITEmartian: Flames behind the back
yourFAVORITEmartian: Fire in these hands
yourFAVORITEmartian: Shine and glow
yourFAVORITEmartian: Flame and speed
yourFAVORITEmartian: Polly Sonic is hot hot hot
yourFAVORITEmartian: Great walls of fire
yourFAVORITEmartian: Give me fuel, give me fire ...
yourFAVORITEmartian: ... give me that which I desire
yourFAVORITEmartian: Parasol and peacock feathers
yourFAVORITEmartian: Come here, little lion
yourFAVORITEmartian: All the burlesque ladies, all the burlesque ladies
yourFAVORITEmartian: Bearded lady joins the burlesque girls
yourFAVORITEmartian: And the stilt walker comes in, too