Ed Yourdon: When you're a redhead, there aren't many places where people will leave you alone ...
Ed Yourdon: The subway station is a good place for friends to get together for a chat
Ed Yourdon: Even with headphones, Times Square is a pretty noisy place ...
Ed Yourdon: Some people would prefer to pretend that there aren't any homeless people in New York City ...
Ed Yourdon: The question is whether she's going to grab all the flowers once she spots them
Ed Yourdon: Sometimes we all need a quiet moment alone
Ed Yourdon: It's only this big...
Ed Yourdon: There aren't many places in NYC where you can run around like a crazy person, and scream at the top of your lungs ...
Ed Yourdon: Sometimes kids see things that their parents miss
Ed Yourdon: When you're out shopping in NYC, it's a good idea to get all dressed up.
Ed Yourdon: Lunch break
Ed Yourdon: Nobody knows what you're doing under the umbrella
Ed Yourdon: Some people think it's funny, some people don't
Ed Yourdon: Almost everyone is laughing
Ed Yourdon: Even hippies like iced coffee
Ed Yourdon: Tourists can't be bothered with Independence Day celebrations
Ed Yourdon: Two generations, ignoring one another
Ed Yourdon: The scene at the 96th St subway station
Ed Yourdon: When you've got a helmet on your head, cycling just isn't as fun as it used to be
Ed Yourdon: It's not just teenage kids riding scooters down Broadway ...
Ed Yourdon: She knows there's a police car back there ... but is she nervous?
Ed Yourdon: A typical scene at a New York City Starbucks
Ed Yourdon: Everyone wants to know: does McDonalds really sell bananas?
Ed Yourdon: An ordinary New York scene: walking the dogs on Broadway
Ed Yourdon: It's a perfectly reasonable scene, but you can't help doing a double-take and thinking, "Something is very wrong here!"
Ed Yourdon: Dreaming of bagels
Ed Yourdon: You can't help wondering: did the mother look like the little girl 20 years ago? And will the little girl look like the mother 20 years from now?
Ed Yourdon: I'm sorry, but this is driving me crazy: why don't you have a belly button?
Ed Yourdon: Some people like to dance while they skate
Ed Yourdon: We dogs have delicate feet