Ed Yourdon: Heh! I thought I was the only long-haired hippie in this neighborhood...
Ed Yourdon: That way? Yeah, *that* way!
Ed Yourdon: I might look like an old geezer, but I like my rock-n-roll...
Ed Yourdon: Nobody pays any attention. And that's the way it should be ...
Ed Yourdon: What?!? I gave you a *dozen* bleeping roses! What happened to the rest of them?
Ed Yourdon: Sometimes, all you need is a little bit of help
Ed Yourdon: Hold it right there, buster! Your sister's got it; what's wrong with you?
Ed Yourdon: I think we should go back home, Martha. The buildings are just too damn tall in this city...
Ed Yourdon: It's nice to look down at the ground for a change ...
Ed Yourdon: This can't possibly look as good as it feels right now ...
Ed Yourdon: All of my text messages look blue!
Ed Yourdon: I have a weird feeling that someone else is reading my email while I'm looking at it ...
Ed Yourdon: It might not look like a very good job, but at least I can pick my own hours ...