Ed Yourdon: Brown boots, brown helmet. Am I a fashion queen or what?
Ed Yourdon: I've fallen off this bicycle three times so far today, and I think I'd better just walk it the rest of the way home...
Ed Yourdon: Go ahead - knock me over! I'm just waiting for a million-dollar personal-injury lawsuit!
Ed Yourdon: Ooooh ... I *really* want a skateboard like that! If only I weren't pregnant...
Ed Yourdon: When you're pretty like me, you can jaywalk wherever you want
Ed Yourdon: Hey, Franco? I think that guy is taking our picture...
Ed Yourdon: Melanie, could I tickle your tummy? Just once? Puhleeeze?!?
Ed Yourdon: I wish I had a boyfriend like that ...
Ed Yourdon: What are you staring at? Yeah, I'm talking to *you*! Stop staring, okay?
Ed Yourdon: Well, I gotta admit it: red would be a lot sexier on me than this stupid white dress...
Ed Yourdon: Nobody's looking at me, so I'm gonna pull my boots up.
Ed Yourdon: I feel so ... ordinary ... when I'm surrounded by all these beautiful people.