Ed Yourdon: Mystery man #1
Ed Yourdon: Girl with orange hair
Ed Yourdon: I've got every credit card the world has ever seen, but I can't find my subway MetroCard
Ed Yourdon: Homeless and cold
Ed Yourdon: I thought I was listening to music on my iPod, but what I got is Sarah Palin telling me why I should vote for her in 2012... did I end up in Alaska somehow?
Ed Yourdon: I thought you said it was going to be a warm, sunny day today!
Ed Yourdon: I'm so cold that I've forgotten how to count on my fingers
Ed Yourdon: Long hair. Period.
Ed Yourdon: I don't recommend skiing in Vermont anytime after Easter weekend...
Ed Yourdon: If you're another one of those health nuts who wants me to go on a diet, I'll strangle you with my own bare hands!
Ed Yourdon: ... seven, eight, nine, ten. Thank God -- my toes are all still here!
Ed Yourdon: Oh, come on, Mary - it doesn't smell that bad... It's the same perfume that Lady Gaga wears!
Ed Yourdon: Think of it this way, Mary: rainy weather gives us an excuse to wear these sexy rain slickers
Ed Yourdon: You think these gals gave me a second look when I wore *my* bright-blue Wellies? Nope: I might as well have been invisible...