Ed Yourdon: The question is whether I have enough cash for a taxi ride all the way back out to Park Slope ...
Ed Yourdon: Keeping the baby warm and dry
Ed Yourdon: Ugh. This is so embarrassing! Next time, I promise not to leave the house without a yellow purse and a yellow umbrella...
Ed Yourdon: Hey, Zack! I thought you said it was gonna *snow* today! What's all this wet stuff?
Ed Yourdon: Hmmmm ... you're right: this outfit would be much better coordinated if I had a red umbrella.
Ed Yourdon: Oh, yeah ... I am one mean, crazy dude. I'm also the only guy riding a bike in this storm...
Ed Yourdon: Susie? Don't be mad at me! I only had enough change for *one* cup of coffee...
Ed Yourdon: Okay, okay: next time, I *will* get you an umbrella
Ed Yourdon: Two friends
Ed Yourdon: My backpack almost matches my boots ... but not quite.
Ed Yourdon: I try to look after my boyfriend, but sometimes it's not easy...
Ed Yourdon: No, I'm not going to tell you what the funny pink thing is on my ear...
Ed Yourdon: Something is wrong here: why does the mother have the umbrella, and the kids are getting rained on?
Ed Yourdon: There's probably a good reason that I'm wearing sunglasses, but I can't think of what it might be...
Ed Yourdon: Yellow and blue
Ed Yourdon: Not even my iPod music or my polka-dot umbrella can cheer me up in this miserable rainstorm...
Ed Yourdon: Hey! You with the camera! I'm sticking my tongue out at you!
Ed Yourdon: Jonathan, I think you're old enough to have an umbrella of your own now...
Ed Yourdon: Let's make a deal, Susan: I'll get a pink umbrella if you get a pink coat. Okay?