G A R N E T: skeuomorph-hertz-lecture.001-001
G A R N E T: Dorkbot SoCal 36 - Mark Allen & Garnet Hertz
G A R N E T: skeuomorph-hertz-lecture.002-001
G A R N E T: Skeuomorphs - Garnet Hertz
G A R N E T: skeuomorph-hertz-lecture.004-001
G A R N E T: Hertz
G A R N E T: skeuomorph-hertz-lecture.016-001
G A R N E T: Skeuomorphs are created because the future is built out of the present
G A R N E T: skeuomorph-hertz-lecture.055-001
G A R N E T: Skeuomorphs invert obsolescence to overlap the future with the past
G A R N E T: Skeuomorphs invert obsolescence to overlap the future with the past (alternate)
G A R N E T: skeuomorph-hertz-lecture.056-001
G A R N E T: Tim Durfee - Spandrels
G A R N E T: Tim Durfee - Spandrels (alternate)
G A R N E T: Tim Durfee - Dorkbot SoCal 36, Machine Project, Los Angeles
G A R N E T: Tim Durfee
G A R N E T: Tim Durfee - Dorkbot SoCal 36
G A R N E T: Norman Klein - Palimpsests
G A R N E T: Norman Klein - Palimpsests (alternate)
G A R N E T: Norman Klein
G A R N E T: Norm Klein - Dorkbot SoCal 36
G A R N E T: Norman Klein
G A R N E T: crumpled poster