G A R N E T: embod-1a.jpg
G A R N E T: On Embodiment: Posthumanism, Computationalism and Definitions of Intelligence
G A R N E T: Contexts: On Disembodiment, Posthumanism & Computationalism
G A R N E T: Katherine Hayles
G A R N E T: Christopher Langton
G A R N E T: N. Katherine Hayles
G A R N E T: Examples: Contemporary Reconfigurations of Embodiment
G A R N E T: Marvin Minsky
G A R N E T: Francis Fukuyama
G A R N E T: Eduardo Kac
G A R N E T: von Neumann, Wolfram
G A R N E T: Chapin
G A R N E T: Shimoyama / Holzer
G A R N E T: Stelarc
G A R N E T: Bodybuilding
G A R N E T: Hugh Herr
G A R N E T: Lizard Man
G A R N E T: Extreme Makeover
G A R N E T: Michael Jackson
G A R N E T: Arguments for Embodiment: AI, ALife and Cockroaches
G A R N E T: Deep Blue versus Cockroaches (Kasparov)
G A R N E T: Rodney Brooks
G A R N E T: Tangents in embodied intelligence
G A R N E T: Carrett Stewart
G A R N E T: Mark Johnson
G A R N E T: Herbert Dreyfus
G A R N E T: Reinkensmeyer Biorobotics Lab, UCI
G A R N E T: Conclusions: On Posthumanism, Computationalism and Embodiment
G A R N E T: Posthumanism: is embodiment still relevant / referent?
G A R N E T: Computationalism: if embodiment is relevant, then what conclusions can we make?