Jeffery Young Photography: John Day River, July 2011
Jeffery Young Photography: John Day River 2, July 2011
Jeffery Young Photography: Petroglyphs, John Day River, July 2011
Jeffery Young Photography: California Bighorn Sheep, John Day River, 2008
Jeffery Young Photography: California Bighorn Sheep, John Day River, July 2011
Jeffery Young Photography: Peregrine Falcon, John Day River, July 2011
Jeffery Young Photography: Spotted Sand Piper, John Day River, July 2011
Jeffery Young Photography: Lazuli Bunting, July 2011
Jeffery Young Photography: Caspian Tern, John Day River, July 2011
Jeffery Young Photography: Cedar Waxwing, John Day River, July 2011
Jeffery Young Photography: Canyon Wren, John Day River, July 2011
Jeffery Young Photography: Golden Eagle, John Day River, July 2011
Jeffery Young Photography: Golden Eagle, juvenile, John Day River, July 2011
Jeffery Young Photography: Golden Eagle, juvenile, John Day River, July 2011
Jeffery Young Photography: Golden Eagle, John Day River, July 2011
Jeffery Young Photography: Golden Eagle, juvenile, John Day River, July 2011
Jeffery Young Photography: Black-billed Magpie, John Day River, June 2010
Jeffery Young Photography: Chukars, John Day River, June 2010
Jeffery Young Photography: Kildeer, John Day River, June 2010
Jeffery Young Photography: John Day River, June 2014, juvenile Bald Eagle, I'm pretty sure. Massive beak. Neck feathers turning white. See earlier pictures of July 2011, there is a series of Golden Eagle photos.
Jeffery Young Photography: John Day River, June 2014, immature bald eagle on prey
Jeffery Young Photography: John Day River, June 2014, ? light juvenile Red-tailed hawk
Jeffery Young Photography: John Day River, June 2014, rainbow
Jeffery Young Photography: John Day River, June 2014, Big horn sheep, notice the lamb on the right!
Jeffery Young Photography: John Day River, June 2014, Lazuli Bunting 2
Jeffery Young Photography: John Day River, June 2014, HDR
Jeffery Young Photography: John Day River, June 2014
Jeffery Young Photography: Canyon Wren, John Day River July 2019 flickrWM
Jeffery Young Photography: GHO juvenile, John Day River July 2019 flickrWM
Jeffery Young Photography: Juvenile Great Horned Owl, John Day River, Oregon, July 7, 2019