Pattay: waiting for the bus
Pattay: knee deep
Pattay: story untold
Pattay: chutes & ladders
Pattay: polkadots
Pattay: too good to be true--sunset jaco
Pattay: escape artist
Pattay: perspectiva
Pattay: romanian sunlight
Pattay: crossing
Pattay: la chita
Pattay: television
Pattay: bar scene
Pattay: restroom androgyny
Pattay: two of us
Pattay: cantilever
Pattay: spinning
Pattay: espejo, ventana, luz: reflexion sobre la ceguera
Pattay: juanse contra las diarreas
Pattay: paint job
Pattay: charco
Pattay: cris y chita
Pattay: twin scales
Pattay: delover: closed on sundays
Pattay: bound together
Pattay: airport syndrome: take 5
Pattay: the next morning
Pattay: light show
Pattay: territorio submarino
Pattay: brave new world