yossimtl: "Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth... because i'm happy" (from the song, Happy, by Pharrell Williams)
yossimtl: Tug of War with Sheba
yossimtl: Sheba was lounging passive on the lake beach when i crouched down to take a snapshot and bam! the devil awoke.
yossimtl: Basho and Sheba
yossimtl: Basho, the stud mutt
yossimtl: Rope 'n Dog
yossimtl: 101 Dalmations
yossimtl: Long Live the King of the Castle
yossimtl: Patron Saint and Lord Protector of Tulips, aka "Tyson".
yossimtl: She knows she's a Lady, yeah she knows
yossimtl: "Layla! You've got me on my knees..."
yossimtl: "Layla! You've got me on my knees..." (Take 2)
yossimtl: R.I.P.: "Sir Lick-A-Lot", "Licky"
yossimtl: Face to face through the kitchen window of an airbnb rental in the Israeli desert
yossimtl: A MYSTIC MOMENT: backyard in the heat of the desert and so close to her new born litter, all she could muster in my direction was a long look of disdain.
yossimtl: Backyard alleycats in a desert town (new born edition)_ Desert Alleycat Edition
yossimtl: Jack 'n Jars