yosoynuts: Going to practice biking!
yosoynuts: Sky photo
yosoynuts: Sunset
yosoynuts: Trying
yosoynuts: Beginner
yosoynuts: Actually going somewhere
yosoynuts: Around the circle I go!
yosoynuts: Nifty shot, here.
yosoynuts: IMG_0326.JPG
yosoynuts: And then we called it a night.
yosoynuts: Family photo!
yosoynuts: Martin Luther King Jr monument
yosoynuts: MLK Jr. on a cloudy day
yosoynuts: Solar Decathlon hats!
yosoynuts: Buddies
yosoynuts: Ferran Adria at the GWU Lisner Auditorium
yosoynuts: Party time
yosoynuts: Patrick and Simone
yosoynuts: Hilarious.
yosoynuts: Jill, Aileen and Nirmala
yosoynuts: Random man, Michelle, Saakshi
yosoynuts: With Bob and Renee
yosoynuts: Spelling Bee champs!
yosoynuts: Silkiest gnocchi ever. With shaved truffles
yosoynuts: Brussel sprouts
yosoynuts: Pork
yosoynuts: Jersey pizza
yosoynuts: Happy tooth!
yosoynuts: Puppy!
yosoynuts: She hates looking at the camera