yosoynuts: Drink menu! Ah. How I missed you.
yosoynuts: Happy to be at the leafe.
yosoynuts: DSC_0054.JPG
yosoynuts: Cheese Fries and Cider = Sunday nights of my senior year.
yosoynuts: Our spread. And Paul's devilish look.
yosoynuts: Approval for Green Leafe.
yosoynuts: Paul told me the other half of the letter is in UVA
yosoynuts: The kids listen to the radio! Who knew.
yosoynuts: Paul shows his allegiance to the DoG St Journal
yosoynuts: Yay Flat Hat!
yosoynuts: Sunken Gardens in Daytime
yosoynuts: Wren!
yosoynuts: DSC_0072.JPG
yosoynuts: DSC_0073.JPG
yosoynuts: Barrett Hall! Now co-ed. Boo.
yosoynuts: Swem has odd sculptures.
yosoynuts: FASA Pt 1
yosoynuts: FASA Pt 2
yosoynuts: Eating Cheese Shop and being cold.
yosoynuts: Victorian lemonade = ginger and lemon
yosoynuts: Fentimans dog
yosoynuts: Sunset on Wren
yosoynuts: Sunset over Sunken Gardens
yosoynuts: "This will be your author photo when you get published."
yosoynuts: This is also book jacket material. Or Facebook profile photo.
yosoynuts: aglow
yosoynuts: my attempt at poignant photo with sunset light