yosmama151: Distressed Sabine landscape
yosmama151: Anahuac landscape
yosmama151: Clouds at Anahuac
yosmama151: Looking out at the gulf
yosmama151: Ships in the gulf
yosmama151: 06202019_iphone_60_hm
yosmama151: On the ferry
yosmama151: Gulf tanker
yosmama151: Tanker in Hipstamatic
yosmama151: Flag in Hipstamatic
yosmama151: Destroyed film seagulls
yosmama151: 06192019_iphone_203_hm
yosmama151: 06192019_iphone_199_hm
yosmama151: 06192019_iphone_194_hm
yosmama151: 06192019_iphone_181_hm
yosmama151: Seagulls in black and white
yosmama151: Crab fight
yosmama151: Day at the beach
yosmama151: 06192019_iphone_142_hm
yosmama151: 06192019_iphone_123_hm
yosmama151: 06192019_iphone_115_hm
yosmama151: 06192019_iphone_110_hm
yosmama151: Summer 2K19
yosmama151: 06192019_iphone_042_edit2_crop
yosmama151: Blooms on the dune
yosmama151: 06192019_iphone_035_edit
yosmama151: Crab claw
yosmama151: Crab shell
yosmama151: Dual shells